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Last September, I quit my job to travel the world free of deadlines, Zoom calls, and the haunting pop-pop-pop! of Slack. It was amazing.
But alas, time has passed. My savings have dwindled. And so here I am again, face-to-face with the job hunt. This involves everyone’s favorite pastime: editing resumes and cover letters! In the spirit of procrastination, I wrote an *alternate* resume that hopefully never reaches the desk of a future employer. (And because if I don’t laugh, I’ll cry.)
Eden Avery, a.k.a. ‘Edo,’ ‘Edes,’ or ‘Beebo’
Free-spirited twenty-something seeking employment to obtain a) money and b) a purpose in life. Hardworking, when the muse strikes. Occasionally witty. Occasionally funny. *Very* sensitive. Please do not give feedback, positive or otherwise. Will become emotional.
1,200 hours spent studying skincare routines and home cooking techniques on TikTok
415 headlines briefly skimmed on New York Times app
12 Ted Talks watched while eating fistfuls of popcorn on the couch, feeling inspired
All 7 Harry Potter books read cover-to-cover
Wrote, produced, and edited 8 music videos from 2008-2011, to songs including You Belong With Me, California Girls, and Low (Apple Bottom Jeans)
Scored two goals on my 5th grade soccer team*
Supervised the Splash Park as a Junior Lifeguard; many lives were definitely saved
Played role of ‘Gabriela’ in 2nd grade rendition of High School Musical**
PADI-certified scuba diver (not exactly relevant, but seems cool and worldly?)
Karaoke (after a few drinks)
Cutting my own bangs
Pretty good British accent
Making the perfect boxed mac n’ cheese
Can also make very good scrambled eggs
Picking up objects with my toes
Rocking a pair of clogs
Falling asleep during movies
Arm wrestling
Trader Joe’s peanut butter chocolate cups
Thank you very much for your consideration! As you can hopefully tell by now, I am clearly the girl for the job. However, please don’t actually give me the job, because despite really wanting it, I am actually not emotionally ready for Adult Responsibilities. Would prefer to frolic indefinitely.
Beebo ❤️
*unfortunately, for our competitors
**this is my proudest achievement to date
Thanks for the comedic relief. Especially, “Unfortunately for the other team” 😂 On a serious note- any company would be so lucky to have you on board!
I hear there are a lot of opening for writers in Hollywood right now.