Thank you for shining a light into an overlooked, misunderstood and inadequately diagnosed and treated corner of women’s health. I got though nursing school without learning anything about it - and you’ve done a beautiful job filling in the outlines of a syndrome that should receive greater attention -- both from the lay public who may be affected by it as well as the medical professionals responsible for detection and treatment! Brava, Eden.

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Dang! This happens with endometriosis too - so many patients being dismissed / misdiagnosed. Hopefully that changes soon.❤️❤️

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I read this all the way through because it’s written by my grandniece and I need to know what she’s going through. It brought to mind a brilliant lawyer whose work I supervised 30-40 years ago who had surgery for a similar disorder. She is now the mother of two brilliant children, a law Professor, a UN driven nation builder, a former USSC fellow and a world-class adventurer.

My point ? This article reveals its author to be a great researcher/investigator/writer. Eden, you will deal with this in whatever is the right way for you. Your community will be behind you 100%. Thanks for opening my eyes to gender inequality in healthcare. You can handle this.

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Wow! She sounds incredible. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the sweet words, Tom 💛💛 appreciate you!

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You are just as incredible as she is. She’s just further down the path.

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